Tuesday, September 18, 2012



What does "Being Professional" Actually Mean?

The magic question that generally makes everyone put on SCRATCHING THE HEAD or BITING THEIR NAIL

The answer varies but there seemed to be a general lack of succinct understanding of the concept.

For some, being professional might mean Dressing Smartly at Work, or Doing a Good Job.

For others, being Professional means having Advanced Degrees or other Certifications, framed and hung on the Office wall or at Home.

Professionalism encompasses all of these definitions.

But, it also covers much more.

So, what is professionalism, and why does it matter? And how can you be Completely Professional in your day-to-day role?

Defining Professionalism
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as "the Conduct, Aims, or Qualities that Characterize or Mark a Profession or a Professional Person"; and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation."

These definitions imply that professionalism encompasses a number of different attributes, and, together, these attributes identify and define a professional.

So, what are these attributes?

Key Points
Professionalism is a trait that's highly valued in the workforce. It has many attributes, including:

1.    Specialized Knowledge.
2.    Competency.
3.    Honesty and Integrity.
4.    Respect.
5.    Accountability.
6.    Self-Regulation.
7.    Image.

1.   Specialized Knowledge

First and foremost, professionals are known for their specialized knowledge. They've made a deep personal commitment to develop and improve their skills, and, where appropriate, they have the degrees and certifications that serve as the foundation of this knowledge.

Not all business areas have a stable core of knowledge (and the academic qualifications that go with this); not all areas demand extensive knowledge to practice successfully; and not all professionals have top degrees in their field. 

What matters, though, is that these professionals have worked in a serious, thoughtful and sustained way to master the specialized knowledge needed to succeed in their fields; and that they keep this knowledge up-to-date, so that they can continue to deliver the best work possible.

Professionals get the job done. They're reliable, and they keep their promises. If circumstances arise that prevent them from delivering on their promises, they manage expectations up front, and they do their best to make the situation right. 

Professionals don't make excuses, but focus on finding solutions.

Professionals exhibit qualities such as HONESTY and INTIGRITY. They keep their word, and they can be trusted implicitly because of this. They never compromise their VALUES, and will do the right thing, even when it means taking a harder road.

More than this, true professionals are HUMBLE – if a project or job falls outside their scope of expertise, they're not afraid to admit this. They immediately ask for help when they need it, and they're willing to learn from others.

Professionals hold themselves accountable for their thoughts, words, and actions, especially when they've made a mistake. This personal accountability is closely tied to honesty and integrity, and it's a vital element in professionalism.

They also stay professional under pressure.

For instance, imagine a customer service employee who's faced with an irate customer. Instead of getting upset or angry in return, the employee exhibits true professionalism by maintaining a calm, business-like demeanor, and by doing everything that she can to make the situation right.

Genuine professionals show respect for the people around them, no matter what their role or situation. They exhibit a high degree of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI) by considering the emotions and needs of others, and they don't let a bad day impact how they interact with colleagues or clients. 

Professionals look the part – they don't show up to work sloppily dressed, with unkempt hair. They're polished, and they dress appropriately for the situation. Because if this, they exude an air of confidence, and they gain respect for this.

Compiled From :
Source 1   and   Source 2