Sunday, December 27, 2009

IMEI number Verification

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number which do not have for Chinese handsets will stop working from 1st December 2009 because all mobile operators across India are asked The Department of Telecommunication to stop services to such handsets. To check your IMEI Number or IMEI Number Check or IMEI Check from datebase or IMEI number verification or IMEI number Tracking can be made by following steps given below.

What is an IMEI number?

•IMEI is unique 15 digit identification number of the Mobile Handset. It's like Registration No.
•One can confirm his handset's IMEI No. by inputting / dialing *#06# on Handset.
•IMEI numbers are being allotted by five bodies authorized by GSMA.
•From IMEI number one can identify the make and model of the handset.

•To verify send a message “IMEI XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to 53232 or to 57886.

Message displayed for correct IMEI – Success!!
Message displayed for incorrect IMEI – Alert!!! Invalid IMEI

•No two mobile handsets in the world should have the same IMEI number.
•IMEI number is an important tool for the handset tracking.

The Structure of an IMEI Number :

IMEI numbers either come in a 17 digit or 15 digit sequences of numbers. The IMEI format currently utilized is AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D:

* AA: These two digits are for the Reporting Body Identifier, indicating the GSMA approved group that allocated the TAC (Type Allocation Code).
* BBBBBB: The remainder of the TAC
* CCCCCC: Serial sequence of the Model
* D: Luhn check digit of the entire model or 0 (This is an algorithm that validates the ID number)

IMEI Number Verification :

Moreover, even if your Chinese handset is showing an unique IMEI number, it is important to validate that it is an unique IMEI number and not a cloned or duplicate IMEI number because recently many local Chinese firms sent millions of cheap mobiles in India with duplicate or cloned IMEI number which are also equally invalid as per international and Indian laws.

People can validate IMEI numbers of their handsets by sending their IMEI numbers of two numbers 57886 and 53232.

First Type IMEI (in Capital) space IMEI number and then send it to either 57886 or 53232. Within few minutes, people will receive a message about validity of IMEI number.

e.g. IMEI 352536650070854

In both cases of no IMEI number or duplicate IMEI number, people can use a service started by Mobile Standards Alliance of India (Govt. Approved) to provide valid and unique IMEI to all such handsets by paying just Rs 199. After getting new IMEI number, any person can use such handsets for as long as he wants.

People can get the list of all available authorized service centers in their area by visiting this link It is important to get new IMEI number from only authorized shops approved by Mobile Standards Alliance of India.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Home Remedies

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10 Simple and Natural Home Remedies for Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a common illness that refers to an infection of the lungs. It occurs in all age groups, and is a leading cause of death among children and elderly people in chronic conditions. The major symptoms of pneumonia are productive cough resulting in mucus, chest pains, fever, chills and breathing shortness.

Here, in this article you will find home remedies for pneumonia. These home remedies are simple, easy to prepare and easy to follow. You will get benefited from these home remedies if followed as instructed below. These remedies can be taken along with your medication to improve your health and give relief from pneumonia symptoms.

1. Turmeric has several medicinal properties and is widely used in treating a number of ailments. It also helps in treating pneumonia. Other herbs such as black pepper, fenugreek and ginger are also beneficial for your lungs. You can take these herbs in raw or cooked form.

2. Sesame seeds are also helpful in treating pneumonia. Add 15 grams of sesame seeds in 250 ml water. Add a pinch of common salt, a teaspoon of linseed, and a tablespoon of honey in this mixture. Consume daily to expel phlegm from the bronchial tubes.

3. Ginger is a popular home remedy for treating most of the respiratory disorders. Take 10 ml juice of the fresh ginger, or one or two grams dried ginger powder along with honey two times daily.

4. Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of lukewarm water. Drink it two or three times a day. This drink has very soothing effect and relieves symptoms.

5. Mix some camphor with warm turpentine oil and apply it on the chest. Gently massage to get relief from pneumonia.

6. The patient should be kept in a clean, hot and healthy room. Make sure that sunshine enters in the patient room.

7. Try to keep the chest and the feet of the patient warmer than the other parts of the body.

8. Do not take foods that may lead to constipation. It may aggravate the condition.

9. To get relief from chest pain and discomfort, take a teaspoonful of garlic juice.

10. Holy basil is also very useful in pneumonia. Take the juice of few fresh leaves of holy basil. Add a pinch of ground black pepper to this juice and consume at six hourly intervals.

Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read Home Remedies for Cough and how to make homemade cough syrup naturally. Also know Home Remedies for Common Cold.
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