Sunday, September 30, 2012

International Space Station

The International Space Station orbits the Earth about 16 times each day. It takes the International Space Station (ISS) about 90 minutes to orbit the earth, meaning that it makes the journey around the planet about 16 times each day. As of July 2012, the ISS had traveled more than 1.75 billion miles (2.8 billion km). The voyage from Earth to the ISS takes about two days, partly because of the time that it takes to inspect a space shuttle prior to letting it dock onto the ISS.

Friday, September 28, 2012


More than 26% of people in the US live alone -- twice the percentage from
40 years ago.

According to the US Census, 7.7% of US residents lived alone in 1940 as
compared to 26.7% in 2010. One person households increased with each Census
since 1940 with the greatest jump occurring in the 1970s. In 1970, 17.6% of
Census respondents indicated that they lived alone. By 1980, 22.7% were
living alone, an increase of 5.1%.

Endorphins: Natural Pain and Stress Fighters.

In simpler terms "The Chemical Released by the Brain when you are in contact with Opposite Sex" is ENDOPHIN?

  1. Surprising Reasons You're in Pain Slideshow Pictures
  2. Back Pain Myths and Facts Slideshow
  3. Take the Pain Quiz!
Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. At least 20 types of endorphins have been demonstrated in humans. Endorphins can be found in the pituitary gland, in other parts of the brain, or distributed throughout the nervous system. 

Stress and pain are the two most common factors leading to the release of endorphins. Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine. In contrast to the opiate drugs, however, activation of the opiate receptors by the body's endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence. 

In addition to decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of the immune response. With high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and fewer negative effects of stress. Endorphins have been suggested as modulators of the so-called "runner's high" that athletes achieve with prolonged exercise. While the role of endorphins and other compounds as potential triggers of this euphoric response has been debated extensively by doctors and scientists, it is at least known that the body does produce endorphins in response to prolonged, continuous exercise. 

Endorphin release varies among individuals. This means that two people who exercise at the same level or suffer the same degree of pain will not necessarily produce similar levels of endorphins. Certain foods, such as chocolate or chili peppers, can also lead to enhanced secretion of endorphins. In the case of chili peppers, the spicier the pepper, the more endorphins are secreted. The release of endorphins upon ingestion of chocolate likely explains the comforting feelings that many people associate with this food and the craving for chocolate in times of stress. 

Even if you don't participate in strenuous athletics, you can also try various activities to increase your body's endorphin levels. Studies of acupuncture and massage therapy have shown that both of these techniques can stimulate endorphin secretion. Sex is also a potent trigger for endorphin release. Finally, the practice of meditation can increase the amount of endorphins released in your body. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Anemia (anaemia and anæmia; from ancient Greek, meaning lack of blood) is a decrease in number of Red Blood Cell (RBCs) or less than the Normal Quantity of hemoglobin in the blood.  However, it can include decreased oxygen-binding ability of each hemoglobin molecule due to deformity or lack in numerical development as in some other types of Hemoglobin Deficiency.
Because hemoglobin (found inside RBCs) normally carries Oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, Anemia leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organs. Since all human cells depend on Oxygen for survival, varying degrees of anemia can have a wide range of clinical consequences.
Anemia is the most common disorder of the blood.
The three main classes include excessive blood loss (acutely such as a hemorrhage or chronically through low-volume loss), excessive blood cell destruction (hemolysis) or deficient red blood cell production (ineffective hematopoiesis).
WHO's Hemoglobin thresholds used to define ANEMIA (1 g/dL = 0.6206 mmol/L)
Age or gender group
Hb threshold (g/dl)
Hb threshold (mmol/l)
Children (0.5–5.0 yrs)
Children (5–12 yrs)
Teens (12–15 yrs)
Women, non-pregnant (>15yrs)
Women, pregnant
Men (>15yrs)

Treatments for anemia depend on severity and cause.
Oral Iron :          Iron deficiency from nutritional causes is rare in men and postmenopausal women. The diagnosis of iron deficiency mandates a search for potential sources of loss, such as gastrointestinal bleeding from ulcers or colon cancer. Mild to moderate iron-deficiency anemia is treated by oral iron supplementation with ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, or ferrous gluconate. When taking iron supplements, stomach upset and/or darkening of the feces are commonly experienced. The stomach upset can be alleviated by taking the iron with food; however, this decreases the amount of iron absorbed. Vitamin C aids in the body's ability to absorb iron, so taking oral iron supplements with orange juice is of benefit.

Parenteral Iron : In cases where oral iron has either proven ineffective, would be too slow (for example, pre-operatively) or where absorption is impeded (for example in cases of inflammation), parenteral iron can be used. The body can absorb up to 6 mg iron daily from the gastrointestinal tract. In many cases the patient has a deficit of over 1,000 mg of iron which would require several months to replace. This can be given concurrently with erythropoietin to ensure sufficient iron for increased rates of Erythropoiesis.
Transfusions :    Doctors attempt to avoid blood transfusion in general, since multiple lines of evidence point to increased adverse patient clinical outcomes with more intensive transfusion strategies. The physiological principle that reduction of oxygen delivery associated with anemia leads to adverse clinical outcomes is balanced by the finding that transfusion does not necessarily mitigate these adverse clinical outcomes. Blood does have risks associated, such as disease transmission and host incompatibility, even in cases where crossmatching was correctly undertaken. Each unit of blood is only equivalent to 200–250 mg iron, thus requiring several units per patient to replete iron stores. Increasingly, physicians are using parenteral iron both to conserve a finite resource, for improved patient outcomes but also to reduce costs to the hospital.

Hyperbaric O2 :    Treatment of exceptional blood loss (anemia) is recognized as an indication for hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.[31][32] The use of HBO is indicated when oxygen delivery to tissue is not sufficient in patients who cannot be given blood transfusions for medical or religious reasons. HBO may be used for medical reasons when threat of blood product incompatibility or concern for transmissible disease are factors. The beliefs of some religions (ex: Jehovah's Witnesses) may require they use the HBO method.
Vitamin supplements given orally (folic acid) or intramuscularly (vitamin B12) will replace specific deficiencies.

Blue Whale can Consume 500000 Calories

A blue whale can consume 500000 calories in a single gulp.
The mouth of an adult blue whale opens to almost 10 feet (3 Metre) wide,
allowing it to take in significant amounts of food in a single swallow.
Ribbed structures on a blue whale's upper jaw can trap small sea animals,
which the blue whale then swallows for sustenance. The amount of food that
can be trapped when a blue whale takes a gulp of water is as much as 1,102
pounds (500 kgs), providing the whale with about 500,000 calories.


Thursday, September 20, 2012




Given below are the main constituents of a Resume.

The Information given hereunder need not appear in the same order.

Freshers and students may use the same sequence but working professionals may rearrange it to suit their preference and requirements.

1. Personal Details

              Full Name
              Age/Date of Birth
              Place of Birth
              Sex/Gender  (Male/Female)
              Address for Correspondence
              Telephone Numbers (Landline/Mobile)
              Nationality (In case of overseas employment)
              Passport Number               / Expiry
              Driving License Number
              Health (Unless some serious ailment, it should be stated as sound/excellent)
              Personal Hobbies and Interests
              Preferred Location

2. Educational and Professional Qualifications

Note: – You may mention here your professional qualifications or your occupation. For example: Computer Engineer, Law Graduate, Chartered
Accountant etc.
Educational qualifications can be mentioned in the form of a table given below: -
Examination         Year    University    Percentage    Class/Div.
It may be written in the descending order, i.e. from the highest degree to the S.S.C examination or in the ascending order, i.e. beginning from
the secondary education to the highest qualification acquired by you. Below secondary level education is not to be mentioned.
Any additional training, diplomas and special courses undertaken must find place after the main educational details have been given.

3. Career History

It is the most crucial information for the employer. If you are already employed or are looking for a change, you must provide information
regarding the jobs you have held. Your present assignment, the work experience you have gathered, the responsibilities you have shouldered
and the skills developed during the work span, all have to be mentioned here. You may have the best of qualifications but your hands on
experience in the relevant field are of greater value to the employer.


1.       You should always catalog your jobs in the reverse order. Begin with your present employment or the most recent one, as it is of greatest interest to the prospective employer.

2.       Avoid the use of first person, if possible.

              Work experience described under headings such as:
              Period  ——–From——-To—–
              Employer——Name of the Organization
              Reporting To——-Name of the immediate Boss—-

And a Work Profile given as mentioned below:

              To assist the Departmental Head
              Time to time maintenance of electrical machines
              Trouble-shooting problems arising in the shop floor machines etc.

Is not only more appealing; it gives a clear idea of the person’s work and responsibilities at a quick glance.

3. The information should be so organized in this section that it gives a clear idea of your strengths to the prospective employer.

4. In case you have undertaken a number of similar jobs, enlist them under one section, if possible.

5.  Salary: – It is advisable not to mention salary at this point. At most an expected salary range can be mentioned.

6. References – These must be provided if asked by the employer. But you must seek permission from the persons whose names have been given as referees.


Suggested above is the basic structure of curriculum vitae. There can be several variants of the above-mentioned information. One may reorganize various headings, choosing to begin with very little personal details and devoting more space to the career history and educational
Qualifications, one’s career objectives, work ethics, specialized skills etc. Actually for an experienced professional these elements should be highlighted and mentioned first of all, immediately after ‘The Name of the Person’. Other details can be given in the end.

If you are a fresher and have no work experience to mention, then lay emphasis on your educational qualifications or any other achievements during the school and campus life.
The idea is, to present a well-rounded picture of yourself and the valuable differences you can make to the organization, you seek to join.